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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Take me out to the beer game

Rick Bonino

I have a friend who, come World Series time, tries to find beers from each team’s city to drink during their home games.

Sometimes, he’s completely struck out, like all those Atlanta and Yankees years. And with neither Portland nor Seattle having a major league team (sorry, Mariners), the easiest pickings are out of the question.

This series, he’s in luck. Both Kansas City and San Francisco produce solid offerings that aren’t hard to track down around these parts.

From the City by the Bay, of course, the most obvious option is Anchor – but don’t just settle for the ubiquitous steam beer (not that there’s anything wrong with that). Check out the hoppy Liberty, a precursor to today’s IPA craze, or the rich yet quite drinkable porter.

Several beers from 21st Amendment – including Brew Free! or Die IPA, Bitter American session pale and High or Hell Watermelon wheat – also are distributed here. (While those actually have been brewed under contract in Minnesota, 21st Amendment is building a big new brewery in the Bay Area to bring production back home.)

Meanwhile, Kansas City boasts Boulevard, a world-class brewery for your series needs. The Single-Wide and Double-Wide IPAs are the best bets locally, though a few others have shown up on occasion, particularly on tap.

It’s not too late to still grab some Single-Wide tonight (the Royals might appreciate that, the way things are looking at the moment). And regardless of your allegiance, cross your fingers; if this series ends up going seven games, we’re all winners.