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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Good food arrives at this Auckland Depot

Dan Webster

Most people wouldn't equate New Zealand with fine dining. But they would be wrong. Aucklad, for example, has any number of fine restaurants. And Delaney Mes has eaten at many of them.

Mes is a lawyer by day, a food writer by avocation who writes a blog called Heartbreak Pie. She named it after a pie from the 2007 movie "Waitress," which starred Keri Russell. Like Russell's character, Mes endured a romantic breakup. But instead of baking pies, Mes started a blog, which soon evolved into her experiences eating in and around Auckland. It became so popular seven now on New Zealand TV.

Mes is a one-person argument for New Zealand cuisine. And she showed my wife and me one of the great Auckland lunch places, The Depot, during our recent stop there.

And, no, we didn't eat lamb. Not that day at least.

Above: Delaney Mes, New Zealand food writer.