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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Friday’s openings: Big stars and bigger action

Dan Webster

Some big-name actors will make appearances in area theaters on Friday, among them at least a couple of Oscar winners. The coming week's movie menu, according to the national-release schedule, is as follows:

"Ford v Ferrari": Matt Damon and Christian Bale play to real-life guys who spearheaded Ford's battle with the Italian car company for race-car dominance. Drivers, start your engines.

"Charlie's Angels": A whole new cast of actresses gives a fresh Me, Too meaning to the age-old team of women special-team operatives. They are women, hear them roar.

"The Good Liar": Ian McKellan and Helen Mirren star in this suspense story about two aging people meeting up and one checking the other's bank account. The key is in the title.

And at the Magic Lantern? Aside from a second-run Spokane screening of "Jojo Rabbit," the theater tentatively will open:

"The Report": Adam Driver stars as a man, tasked with investigating a CIA program, who uncovers some uncomfortable facts. And, no, it doesn't involve impeachment.

As always, I'll update when area theaters finalize their bookings.